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International Potato Center (CIP)

International Potato Center (CIP) 寻求减少贫困,实现食品安全持续发展中国家通过科学研究和相关活动土豆,地瓜,其他根和块茎作物,提高自然资源的管理在安第斯山脉和其他山区。Seeking to reduce poverty and achieve food security on a sustained basis in developing countries through scientific research and related activities on potato, sweetpotato, other root and tuber crops, and on the improved management of natural resources in the Andes and other mountain areas.内容提要:Catalog of services of the CIP Laboratory Science Unit for 2017 Available December 12, 2016 By admin CIP makes avail......
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信息名称: International Potato Center (CIP)
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网址链接: cipotato.org
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